
Telepathy training

  • Do you want to take a telepathy course?
  • Do you want to understand the animals in your life on a deeper level and maybe even help others create more harmonious relationships with their animals?
  • Do you feel the animals communicating with you and pulling on you to understand what they want from you?
  • Do you want an in-depth education with space and time for every step?

Then this is the right course for you!

How amazing is it to be able to hear if our pets have special requests or if they’re in pain?

Telepathy is a wonderful ability that enables us to understand our fellow species much better and helps us form deeper relationships.

Are you ready to make a serious difference to the animals in your life?

You can telepath!

Let me start by making one thing clear: YOU CAN TELEPATHER!

Telepathy is an innate ability in everyone, and with the right training, we can all learn to reconnect with this ability.

Many people who sign up for my telepathy training start with the idea of whether they can learn to telepath at all – I did too when I started practicing telepathy.

I have been teaching for many years, all age groups, genders and in several countries and I have yet to come across anyone who hasn’t been able to learn how to telepath.

I’ll help and support you throughout your journey, make sure you reach the finish line, and we’ll create a strong and supportive community within the group.

Telepathy training

Heartwarming education

This telepathy training consists of a small team. This creates a heartwarming atmosphere with room and space for wild development and room for the individual student! Your own animals get to be the master teachers on this journey – along with hand-picked animal educators and nature’s own wild suggestions. It will be a journey into yourself, allowing you to connect with your own natural abilities.

During the training course, we will build a foundation based on the 5 elements for learning telepathy at an appropriate pace.
– Stay present
– Find silence
– Trust your intuition
– Open your heart
– Cleanse yourself

In addition, we will delve into things like sending and receiving messages clearly and concisely. Trust the messages you receive Understand the messages you receive. Communicate creatively and on multiple channels. Make contact through many different entry points. Scan the body and mind for physical and mental disturbances. Ask the right questions. Create a safe space for the animal in telepathy.

Module 1

Opening up to telepathic messages

Learn how to open the switch and receive telepathic messages.

  • You’ll discover you can telepath with animals
  • You will understand what telepathy is and how it works
  • You will learn how to consciously open up contact with animals
  • You will gain the tools to turn off the noise and anxiety inside you and be present with the animals

Module 2

Communicating powerfully

Learn to send and receive clear messages and to recognize the telepathic messages from your thoughts.

  • You will learn the different ways you can receive and send telepathic messages
  • You will learn to recognize the telepathic messages from your thoughts or feelings
  • You will get the tools to create flow in your telepathic conversations
  • You will learn how to get yes/no answers through body signals

Module 3

Cases: wild animals, behavioral issues and body readings

Cases: Wild animals, behavioral treatments and physical readings of the animal’s body.

  • You will learn how to physically scan the animal’s body to find out if it is in pain, has tension or is missing something
  • You will learn how to solve behavioral problems through agreements and compromises with the animals
  • You’ll get to go ‘out-of-house’ and work with wild animals live on location
  • You get the tools to work with future and current blocks in yourself

Module 4

Further work

Focus on precision and getting more detail, how to communicate and how to connect deeply with your own animals.

  • We focus on how to convey and communicate telepathic messages effectively to animal owners
  • You’ll learn to go more in-depth and get more accurate details and answers from the animals
  • You will learn how to work with deceased animals
  • You’ll see how to translate and understand symbolic messages from animals

Among other things, you get

  • 4 modules of 2 days = 8 days of training
  • A folder with display material
  • E-book with cases you can practice between modules
  • Fieldtrip to communicate with different animal species
  • The book: Learn the Hidden Language of Animals
  • Community in FB group

Are you ready for an in-depth and transformative education?

This telepathy training is a unique opportunity to gain a strong, in-depth foundation in telepathy with animals. Training in telepathy is the best investment you can make for yourself and your animals. Hearing the animals’ messages changed my life forever – and it will change yours too!

This training is for those who:

  • Love your animals!
  • Feel a calling to understand the animals in your life
  • Are ready to invest time and effort in your own inner development
  • Want to help your own or other people’s animals
  • Are ready to undergo an exciting inner journey with animals and nature as your guide
  • want to master your own intuitive abilities


  • 4 weekender
  • Every day from 10-16
  • Max 12 participants
  • Price: DKK 9500 for the entire program all inclusive, can be paid in installments
  • Completed with a certificate or diploma (exam is optional)
  • Sign up at:

Next classes: April 1-2, May 13-15, June 10-11 and July 8-9, 2023 at Drøwten 4, 8830 Tjele.

Telepathy training

9500 kr. for the entire program all inclusive

Once payment has been made, there is no return policy.

4 weekends, every day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The program ends with a certificate or diploma (exam is optional)

Telepathy training

An in-depth, heart-warming and transformative education – for both you and the animals in your life! A small, inclusive group with lots of focus on individual needs and desires. 4 modules of 2 days each. Payment is binding and non-refundable once the course has started. If you stop during the start-up amount, the full amount must still be paid.

What customers say

Mathilde has finished
trained +200 students

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